Monday, March 22, 2010

"only a pawn in their game"

"Only a pawn in their game", this song was written and performed by Bob Dylan in 1964. To me it was written in the defense of the whiteman and how they are not to blame for the hardship and the torturing and killing of a black man. In fact the Government is to blame, they are the one's setting all the laws. And telling the white man what they should do. The white cops, sheriffs, politicians and soldiers are setting an example to the other whites on what they should be doing to the blacks. The way the police, cops etc take control of their power by beating and killing out the blacks. I can refer back to "The case study", it states that, " it was maintained that " this is a white man's government, " and regardless of numbers the white man should rule."This is the kind of thinking the government is setting for their followers(whites). If you listen to this song, the singer to me felt sorry for the whites, as he said it's not their fault but to listen to the person higher than them.


  1. Interesting post - do you think Dylan is actually defending the whites? What do you make of this, given that he's talking about the cold blooded murder of Medgar Evers, lynchings, and so forth?

  2. dear professor tanenbaum,
    i would say that he was trying to defend the whites. i believe he wanted to tell the blacks you can't always blame the poor whiteman. He is just following what he was told or in fact ordered to do.. i beleive he is for the blacks because of all the other songs he wrote in order to help the blacks protesting their rights.he wanted to blacks to really take notice of the real bad guys.Which in fact is the government.
